BASC Shoot cancellation insurance

BASC is introducing an insurance policy which covers cancellation due to adverse weather, interference by protestors or financial failure of the shoot venue. It also provides cover if a shoot has to be cancelled due to avian flu. The policy is arranged by Aim Risk Services and underwritten by Sportscover Europe Ltd.

The policy is available to both BASC members and non-members, but BASC members get a 20% discount.

For the individual

Covers irrecoverable financial costs as a result of adverse weather or disruption by an organised protest group; including theft of birds or `death/illness’ of birds’ due to deliberate poisoning.

Cover must be obtained at least 14 days before the shoot.

For recreational clubs and syndicates and commercial shoots

Cover can also be provided for commercial and recreational syndicates which extends to compensate for birds that are lost in the release pen through disease, poaching, vandalism or days cancelled due to protestors. It also covers if poults cannot be delivered to a shoot because of bird flu movement restrictions.

Maximum exposure of £15,000 per day*

For a quotation please email, or call 0333 577 8232.

WJW Sporting

Spenrose Bungalow, Lidget Lane, Bramley, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 4LY

Westley Wood: 07919 440546